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Dagnall VA Church of England School

'Like trees, we grow and keep on bearing fruit.'

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At Dagnall C of E Primary School we want children to create positive relationships with technology and have a clear understanding of digital wellbeing.

 We will provide a computing curriculum that has a balance of coding, publishing, creativity and safety to allow the children to develop all the skills equally, giving all children the opportunity to move into any of the different fields should they wish later in life. Our aim is to provide a computing curriculum that is designed to balance acquiring a broad and deep knowledge alongside opportunities to apply skills in various digital contexts. Beyond teaching computing discreetly, we will give pupils the opportunity to apply and develop what they have learnt across wider learning in the curriculum.

We ensure our children understand the positive uses and also the dangers of the internet, social media and a range of computer software. We will ensure that they understand how to be safe online and who to speak to if they are concerned by things they have seen online.




At Dagnall C of E primary school , we maintain strong links to the National Curriculum subject content to ensure all aspects of computing are being taught across all year groups.

We have recently moved to the Kapow Computing curriculum. The scheme was chosen because it is designed by experts in computing and has clear sequences of  progression of skills and knowledge across the school so that staff are clear on what to teach, when-  allowing them to focus on how to teach specific cohorts. 

Teaching in computing is through weekly lessons, as this helps keep all of the functional skills active and used. Not all lessons are on the computers; where appropriate, lessons can be on laptops in their own classroom, using other technologies such as BeeBots or iPads, or sometimes through paper and pencils.

We will use assessment for learning to ensure all lessons are relevant to children within mixed age classes and over a 2 year cycle within each key stage (inc LKS2/UKS2) and will help to plan for next steps.

Foundation subjects are assessed to ensure learners are making progress throughout our curriculum.

Online safety is taught throughout the school year to ensure that all children know how to keep themselves safe online.



Through pupil voice, children will be able to talk about the skills and knowledge they have acquired.

Children will be engaged in computing lessons, drawing on new teaching and prior learning and want to find out more.

Outcomes will demonstrate the range of computing domains covered, as well as children’s skills and the children will be pleased with what they have achieved.

Children will know how to keep themselves safe online and will engage in safe practises online at school and apply this knowledge to their online life outside of school.

Computing Long Term Map Sept 2024
