We are bearing fruit by ensuring maximum participation in activity in order to promote a healthy lifestyle and a love for all sports.
Here at The Dagnall Church of England Primary School and Nursery, we ensure all requirements of the PE National Curriculum are progressively covered through a range of games. Teachers deliver a varied and well mapped out PE curriculum, which is supported through our Complete PE scheme.
In EYFS and KS1 we focus on the development of fundamental skills needed for specific sports, both indoor and outdoor. This allows pupils to be well-equipped for their physical education lessons in KS2 where they will then apply these skills in a range of games. Woven throughout the PE lessons are the social skills of cooperation, team work and problem solving.
As the children develop, it is our intention to encourage a lifelong love of physical activity and sport. This will help them live a healthy and active lifestyle. All children from KS1 have two hours of PE lessons per week and learners in the Early Years have daily opportunities to develop their gross and fine motor skills.
As a school, we maintain strong links to the National Curriculum guidelines to ensure all aspects, knowledge and skills of PE are covered throughout the year groups.
Our detailed PE lesson plans ensure that all teachers are equipped with secure subject knowledge to confidently deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities. Lessons are planned to inspire and engage all pupils, ensuring children are given opportunities to recap existing skills, build upon these or develop more advanced skills and put these into practise when introduced to a specific game. Also, within the lessons, there are ways for the children be pushed on further, as well as additional assistance or scaffold when needed.
We offer a range of extra-curricular clubs across the school year through our links with the DSSN (Dacorum School Sports Network) This consists of additional workshops, lessons, festivals, tournaments or competitive matches on top of our two hour PE sessions per week, per class. In the summer months, an annual Sports Week and Sports Day is arranged for all children.
Through pupil voice and Kaboca surveys, children will be able to talk about the skills and knowledge they have acquired through their PE lessons as well as being able to talk about their love for particular sports or lessons which they have taken part in.
Children will learn life skills from their PE sessions which they will be able to take into everyday life and their future.
Through pupil voice, it will be clear to see that children have covered a wide range of fundamental skills throughout the year and are able to take these into their next school year where they can progress even further.
Assessment enable us as a school to identify clear gaps in the children’s physical education knowledge and the skills they are taught, as well as areas that were not covered due to unforeseen circumstances. This is all taken into consideration when planning their learning for the future. This enables children to access a varied and balanced physical education curriculum.